Mitropolia Olteniei nr: 5-8/2018

1. His Eminence Prof. PhD IRINEU POPA – The Eschatological Perspective of Time of Salvation of Men in the

2. Fr. Prof. PhD ION POPESCU – Rationality of the Theological Discourse

3. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer PICU OCOLEANU – Folishness for Christ, Canonical Discipline, Promoting of Philocalia

4. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer CONSTANTIN I. BĂJĂU – Nichifor Vlemidis (1197-1272) – a Holy and Wise Man

5. Rev. assoc. Prof. Univ. Dr. NICUŞOR BELDIMAN – Parenetic principles in the homiletic work of the Metropolitan

6. Fr. Lecturer PhD IONIŢĂ APOSTOLACHE – Confessors of „Monastic Philosophy”

7. PhD TOMA RĂDULESCU – Reverend Florian N. Ionescu (1912-1994), from Olt County

8. PhD ANA-MARIA IANCU – Bessarabian Clerics, Refugees in the Archdiocese of Craiova, Victims of the Communist Totalitarian Regime

9. Prof. PhD MARIAN-EMANOIL PĂUN – From the Belief in Immortality of the Soul of our Dacian Ancestors to

10. Fr. PhD LAURENŢIU RĂDOI – The Involvement of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the Great Union

11. PhD FLORIN MARINESCU – 36 years in Search of Romanian Cultural Treasures in Mount Athos

12. Fr. FLORIN MIHAI ILIESCU – The Confessors of Prisons, Living Examples of Christian Mission

13. Fr. MIRCEA NINCU – Phenomenology and the Religious Phenomenology – Initiators and Founders

14. Fr. GHEORGHE COSTEA – Analitica Prima in the Syriac and Arabic Tradition

15. DORU MARCU – Mission and Pastoral Care Through Discipleship or Catechesis

16. SORIN GRIGORE VULCĂNESCU – Life as a Gift from God. An Argument against Euthanasia