1. His Eminence Acad. PhD Prof. IRINEU POPA – The Eschatology of St. John the Evangelist or..
2. Fr. PhD Prof. ION POPESCU – Communication – Knowledge and Communion..
4. Fr. PhD Lecturer ADRIAN IVAN – The Ontology of Parental Relationships as..
5. Fr. PhD Lecturer ADRIAN BOLDIŞOR – The Master-Disciple Relationship in the..
6. Fr. PhD Lecturer IOAN MOGA – The Muslim-Christian Dialogue after..
7. Fr. PhD Lecturer MARIN COJOC – Constantine the Great and his Attitude..
8. PhD Lecturer DANIEL LEMENI – Sequela Christi or Christian Discipleship..
9. Fr. PhD Lecturer ION SORIN BORA – „The Other Disciples” of the Lord..
10. PhD Lecturer CIPRIAN IULIAN TOROCZKAI – Vladimir Lossky (1903-1958)..
11. Fr. PhD Assistant COSMIN SANTI – The Reality and the Meaning of..
12. Deac. PhD Assistant FLORIN TOADER TOMOIOAGĂ – From Apofatism to Absence..
13. PhD EDUARD-EUGEN GEGIU – Il carattere estetico-religioso..