1. His Eminence Acad. Prof. PhD IRINEU POPA – Eschatological Living of Death..
2. His Eminence Senior Lecturer PhD NICODIM NICOLĂESCU – Vainglory in the Writings..
3. SEBASTIAN BROCK – The Holy Spirit as Feminine in..
4. Fr. Prof. PhD ION POPESCU – Methods and Techniques of Interpretation..
5. PhD TOMA RĂDULESCU – Bishop of Râmnic New Severin, Antim Petrescu..
6. Fr. Senior Lecturer PhD MARIN COJOC – Division Tendencies of the Roman..
7. Fr. Lecturer PhD SERGIU POPESCU – Father Dumitru Stăniloae Writings..
8. Lecturer PhD CIPRIAN-IULIAN TOROCZKAI – St. Basil the Great..
9. Lecturer PhD DANIEL LEMENI – Ecclesia vs. Religion..
10. Fr. Assist. PhD LIVIU PETCU – St. Gregory of Nyssa on the Knowledge..
11. PhD ANA-MARIA RĂDULESCU IANCU – Servants from Dolj of the Orthodox Church..
12. PhD LOREDANA-MARIA GROZOIU – Perceptions over the Act of..
13. Fr. CĂTĂLIN CONSTANTIN DAN – The Confession of Dositei Nottara II..