1. His Eminence Acad. Prof. PhD IRINEU POPA – The Church is praying for..
2. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. MARTIN TAMCKE – The Use of the Book of..
3. Fr. Senior Lecturer PhD MARIN COJOC – The Local Councils in the First..
4. Lecturer PhD IONEL UNGUREANU – The Social Concept of Father Stăniloae..
5. Lecturer PhD IULIAN MIHAI L. CONSTANTINESCU – Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox..
6. Fr. Assist. PhD LIVIU PETCU – The Epectasis after the Physical.. 7. Protos. Lecturer PhD VASILE BÎRZU – The Menorah Candlestick..
8. Fr. PhD MIHAI BRIE – Personalities in Church Music..
9. Lecturer PhD OLIVIA ANDREI – The Challenges of Adolescence and..
10. Fr. Lecturer PhD NICHIFOR TĂNASE – Γνῶσις and ‛ένωσις..
11. Prof. Dr. VICTOR ŞAPCĂ – Axion Estin
12. PhD CĂTĂLIN-ŞTEFAN POPA – A Christological Perspective on..
13. Fr. IONUŢ CONSTANTIN – The Sacrament of Confession and..