1. His Eminence Prof. PhD IRINEU POPA – The Essence of the Virtues in the Process of Human Deification by Grace in the Thought of Saint Maximus the Confessor
2. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer PICU OCOLEANU – Theophany and Revolution. Two Models of Theology of History in the Romanian Culture…
3. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer ADRIAN BOLDIȘOR – The Impact of the Migration Phenomenon of the Interreligious Dialogue. Orthodox Perspective
4. Fr. PhD Lecturer LUCIAN ZENOVIU BOT – The Disciple, the Romanian Hesychasm Influence on the Novel Zahei Orbul
5. Deac. PhD Lecturer MIHAI CIUREA – The Muratorian Fragment A “Page” of the Biblical Canonic History of the New Testament
6. PhD Lecturer ANA OCOLEANU – „He who can Contemplate Ideas Will Live as God”. Clement of Alexandria as Medioplatonic Philosopher
7. Fr. PhD Lecturer LIVIU VIDICAN-MANCI – Commemoration of Andrei Buzdug (1891-1939) from the Theological Academy of Cluj-Napoca…
8. PhD Lecturer LIVIU MARIUS ILIE -Predești – a Village that Passed from Boyars of Craiovescu into the Patrimony of Michael the Brave and His Heirs
9. Fr. Assist. PhD GEORGE INDRECAN – The Liturgical Image of the Virgin Mary in the Axion Hymn
10. Fr. Assist. PhD GEORGIAN PĂUNOIU – Jesus Christ in the Thought of Saint Isaac of Syria
11. DANIELA IVANOVICI – “Nothing in excess” – The Oracle as an Agent of Social and Religious Cohesion in Ancient Greece