Mitropolia Olteniei nr: 5-8/2020

1. His Eminence Prof. PhD IRINEU POPA – The Relationship Between the Love of Neighbor and the Preaching of the Gospel in the Church and in the Social Life

2. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer CONSTANTIN I. BĂJĂU – The Work of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Chrismation in Eastern Patristic Thought of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries (Nicholas Cabasila and Simeon of Thessaloniki)

3. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer MARIN COJOC – Carosus of Schithia Minor, Archimandrite in Constantinople and combatant at the Fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon – from the Nicene Creed – to the defense of Eutychios, to his condemnation and to the adherence of decisions from the Synod of 451

4. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer ADRIAN BOLDIŞOR – Orthodox View on the Inter-Christian and Inter-Religious Challenges from present-day Romania

5. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer VASILE DORU FER – ”While He was Blessing them, He Left them and was Taken up into Heaven” (Luke 24:51). Our Lord’s Bodily Ascension to Heaven, in Lucan’s Account and Analysis

6. Fr. PhD CONSTANTIN POGOR – Savior Gideon, Between Abuse of Power and Abused Power

7. PhD Lecturer STELIAN PAȘCA-TUȘA – Byzantine Iconization of Angelic Orders in the Tower of the Liturgical Edifice

8. Fr. Assist. PhD GEORGE INDRECAN – The Liturgical Role of the Royal Troparia at the Beginning of the Matin

9. Assist. PhD DRAGOŞ BOICU – Constantine the Great and the Mediation of the Donatist Crisis Between the Years 313 and 316

10. Fr. CLAUDIU-RĂZVAN BANU – The Mystery of the Church as a Perihoretic Relation with the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity

11. Deac. Prof. ADRIAN LUPU – Nil Cabasila (14th century) and His Writings

12. PAUL ANDREI MUCICHESCU – God’s Justice „for the Life of the World” – Some Anti-universal Landmarks