‘Mitropolia Olteniei’ is the Journal of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Craiova and of the Archdiocese of Craiova, the Archdiocese of Râmnic, the Episcopacy of Severin and Strehaia, the Episcopacy of Slatina and Romanați. It was founded in 1950 along with the reactivation of the Mitropoly of Oltenia, being issued continually until nowadays.
In the first issue from the inaugural year, the editorial office presented the circumstances that led to the publishing of this magazine: ‘Starting with the present issue, the two Oltenian eparchies, Archdiocese of Craiova and the Episcopacy of Ramnic and Arges, will have the same gazette by blending ‘the Oltenian Mitropoly’s Gazette’ with the ‘Eparchial Reference Book’ of the Episcopacy of Râmnic and Argeș. The fact itself comes from economical arguments. But this circumstance makes possible an interesting encounter on the spiritual field. Even from the first encounter requested by the publishing of a new issue, the purpose of those meetings was considered useful. ‘Mitropolia Olteniei’ will gather in its index, in the first part, the works of all the clerics, who cherish the written accents. From the pages of this book, the abundance of the Oltenian spiritual feeling surrounding the two eparchial thrones will flow out. In the second part, the Journal will guide and reflect our scholarly administrative life. It cannot remain unspoken the joy of composing, from the surroundings that gather us at the same written source, of the good, wanted by one or another’ (Journal Mitropolia Olteniei, Year I, No. 1, July-August, 1950, p.1.).
By the promoted studies and articles, the magazine has contributed actively to the intensification and progress of the theological-academic activity in the area of the Olteanian Mitropoly. In this way, with the passing of the time, important names of the Romanian theology and culture have published in this magazine: the metropolitan Nestor Vornicescu, the metropolitan Tit Simedrea, the metropolitan Irineu Popa, the metropolitan Bartolomeu Anania, Pr. Prof. Dumitru Stăniloae, Pr. Nicolae Steinhardt, Prof. Nicolae Chiţescu, Diac. Prof. Nicolae Nicolaescu, Pr. Prof. Vladimir Prelipceanu, Pr. Prof. Nicolae Neaga, Pr. Prof. Dumitru Călugăr, Pr. Prof. Ioan Gh. Savin, Pr. Prof. Ioan G. Coman, Pr. Prof. Emilian Vasilescu, Pr. Prof. Dumitru Fecioru, Pr. Prof. Liviu Stan, Pr. Prof. Ene Branişte, Prof. Dr. Teodor Bodogae, Pr. Prof. Olimp Căciulă, Diac. Dr. Petru David, Pr. Dumitru Bălaşa, Prof. Dr. Nicolae Stoicescu, Pr. Prof. Th. M. Popescu, Pr. Prof. Mircea Păcurariu, Prof. Radu Creţeanu, Prof. Nicolae Bănescu, Pr. Marin Branişte, Prof. Ioan Ionescu, Arhim. Veniamin Micle, Prof. Alexandru Zub.
After the foundation of the Faculty of Theology in Craiova, in 1992, the journal ‘Mitropolia Olteniei’ has developed greatly, by the increase of scientific articles and by the contribution of the professors from the universities in Craiova. Numerous foreign publications and also articles of well-known professors abroad were published. Also, all the studies are accompanied by an abstract in an international language.
Once with the investiture on the throne of the Archdiocese of Craiova and of the Oltenian Metropolitan See, His Eminence Acad. PhD Prof. IRINEU has bestowed a plus of quality to the prestigious publication. Printed in exceptional graphic circumstances, issue by issue, the Journal ‘Mitropolia Olteniei’ presents studies, articles, lectures, translations and valuable reviews, that honour the Oltenian Church and many other. Presently, the Journal ‘Mitropolia Olteniei’ is registered among the most important scientific publications, recognized by the National Council of Scientific Research as category B.