Peer-review process

In order to fulfil both the international and the national standards for the peer-review process of the materials for publishing, the Editorial Board established to introduce the external and internal peer-review procedure.  

What does this model suppose?

Before to explain the all procedure, it has to be known that this model promotes the increase of the quality of the articles and for this the first step required is the anonymous peer-review system, which suppose that the author does not know the name of the peer-reviewers, but neither them known who is the author of the material. In order to respect this aspect the author of the article is asked not to use any reference to its previous publications, exactly for being unidentified by the pee-reviewers.

The steps which has to be followed for the external and internal peer-review process are the following:

Step no. 1: After receiving the material, the Editorial Board has to announce the author, no more than one week, that the material was downloaded and it was registered in order to enter in the procedure of reviewing.

Step no. 2: The first evaluation of the material will be an internal one, by a referent chosen from the official list of the internal peer-reviewers, who will have the next tasks: he observes if the material respects the conditions for publishing in accord with the rules pre-established by the Editorial (Editorial procedure, the Editing norms), he is careful if there are any references to the author of the material, he follows to observe if the scientific conditions of the material are satisfied, and after which he promotes or not the material in order to be sent to the external peer-reviewers. If the text does not accomplish these conditions mentioned, the author will be informed about this problem in order to fix it.

Step no. 3: If the material passes the internal reviewing, the Editorial Board will direct the material to another two external referents, chosen from the official list of the external peer-reviewers.

Step no. 4: The external peer-reviewers will be careful to the same conditions respected by the internal referent (see the step no. 2) and after an attentive analysis of the material, the two referents will send to the Editorial the corrected text and their response to publish or not the material. In case the referents have different opinions (one of them approve the material to be published and the other one gives a negative response), the Editorial will require the opinion from another external referent. In these cases, the process may take 2-4 months. In case that the answer of the two external referents will be a positive one, the material will be prepared for a last internal and technical verification and sent to the Editorial in order to be published (see the step no. 7).

Step no. 5: After the reports, the Editorial can request to the author to modify the material according to the observations of the referents. For each remark of the referents, the author will be asked to mention if he accepts them or if he opts to keep the initial formulation.

Step no. 6: In the interval of three weeks, the author has the freedom analyse the remarks proposed by the referents and to transmit after this moment the material to the Editorial Staff. The material will be evaluated by an internal referent and if it respected the remarks of the referents, will be sent in order to be published.

Step no. 7: The moment of publication is planned, as a rule, in the first number of the Journal after the final approval of the material. The author will be announced by the Editorial that the material was sent in order to be published or not, depending on the case.