1. His Eminence Acad. Prof. PhD IRINEU POPA – The Knowledge of the Incarnation.
2. Rev. Dr. MATEUSZ POTOCZNY – Proclamation of the Biblical..
3. Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer ADRIAN BOLDIŞOR – Orthodoxy and Islam in the..
4. Fr. Lecturer PhD SERGIU-GRIGORE POPESCU – The Parishes of Craiova in the..
5. Fr. Lecturer PhD IONIŢĂ APOSTOLACHE – The Apology of the Symbol..
6. Fr. Lecturer PhD NICUŞOR BELDIMAN – The Priest and the Sermon..
7. Assistant PhD MIHAI CIUREA – Blessed Are They that..
8. Fr. PhD CONSTANTIN CILIBIA – The Archimandrite Petronie from.